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Ridden Wins
Gypsy Cob 05.jpg

Ridden Wins Table last updated: 31st May 2023.

Please note: This is the final update and will not be updated after this date.

The Ridden Wins Table shows all showing wins that a horse/pony has in all novice and open under-saddle (ridden) conformation classes in Gypsy Cob classes up to 31st May 2023.


Horses/ponies that have not yet achieved more than five (5) wins in ridden conformation classes are still eligible to compete as novices in the Novice 0-5 classes.


Horses that have achieved more than five wins in ridden conformation classes are designated as "Open" horses and they are ineligible to compete as "Novices" in Novice 0-5 classes. 



Performance Cards are coming!

From 1st June 2023, all competitors competing in Ridden classes must carry Performance Cards in all ridden show classes and ensure any ridden wins are recorded by the stewards. 

From 1st June 2023, NZGCA will no longer track ridden wins for each horse competing at shows. Competitors will be required to keep a written record of their wins achieved in any RIDDEN NZGCA (e.g., North Island or South Island Show) or NZGCA-affiliated classes (e.g. at A&P Shows) on their unique Performance Card issued by the NZGCA. 


Performance cards will be issued free of charge in an electronic format and personalised for each horse. An application form will be available on the website. Upon receiving their card, members are required to print it out (preferably on cardstock or heavy paper for longevity) and keep it on their person during the show. These cards MUST be carried in ALL ridden classes. No card = no competing.


Any wins in a ridden class (Novice or Open) must be recorded on the card and signed off by the steward at the time of the win. 


For horses that already have achieved ridden wins in prior seasons, these will be noted on the card based on the wins recorded in the Ridden Wins Table. Once a horse has achieved more than 5 wins, they are considered an Open horse and are no longer able to compete in any Novice ridden NZGCA classes.


All horses competing in ridden classes, including Open horses MUST carry their cards at all times. Cards will be checked by the steward and you may be asked to leave the ring if you cannot present your card. 


A sample card is shown below.

Sample Performance Card.png
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